ETH0 Binding Settings. The above is ETH0 and the below is ETH0:1

AP1, the master AP that gives 192.168.1.X address

AP2, connected to AP1 using WDS as bridge mode

Notebook on the left running Redhat EL5 as MamakSpot Server and Notebook on the right, running MS Vista as Mamakspot client.

AP2 + Server + Client all connected to the same hub

Side view

Default Coova Login Page on 2nd Laptop

The JSON User Status

Redhat EL5 default interface

ifconfig -a screenshot ( notice the eth0:1 interface )

route.sh firewall script modification

Radius working in harmony using 1 radius account.
It works !
Operating system : Redhat Linux EL5
Captive Portal : Coova Chilli
Wifi Controller : MamakSpot
Radius Server : FreeRadius
Database Server: MySQL
Web Server : Apache
ETH0 received ip via DHCP in 192.168.1.X range
ETH0:1 is virtual 2nd network card and basically serving its own DHCP ip in 10.0.0.X range
Modifications from original Mamakspot Setting
1. Use IP Binding to create ETH0:1 which is mapped to
2. Some minor modification on route.sh to reflect ETH0:1
Here's the scenario
1. AP1 will connected to AP2 via WDS.
2. AP1 is main DHCP server for 192.168.1.X range
3. Anything that connected to AP2 using LAN port will get DHCP ip from AP1
4. In this case, Sony Laptop Redhat El5 server get its own ip, from AP1 ( even connected to AP2 since I set the AP just to run in bridge mode only )
5. Sony Laptop NIC will be connected to normal HUB. A CAT5 cable also connected to the HUB to AP2.
6. Client, Sony Laptop 2 will get DHCP using wired LAN from ETH0:1 interface
7. Client will be presented by Coova Login Page before he can proceed to surf the internet.
Just put any bridge mode wireless AP that points to, a wireless network can be created. In this simulation, I'm using wired LAN.